Weekly Diary
Week 1
Research themes, display in form of mood board and style board.
The final name that I came with was 'Futuristic in Circus'. I decided to opt for this name because, I was looking at the fashion in the future. More precisely designers that use Geometrical shapes within their garments, making them 3D and catwalk wear, not very appropriate for highstreet as their dimensation is very big. I also linked to the new architeture as some designers listed below are inspired by. The fomal elements that I looked at in the mood board are: the colours (very dark but with a shine to it to make stand out), the shapes (geometrical and 3D), line (fine almost invisable), textures (soft surface even thou is made with hard materials) and form (it links to the architetural reserach).
I could say that it is futuristic because the geometrical shapes of the garments and the architeture are linked together by their colours and designs. The colors come from the space (i.e galaxy, moon and space features).
Week 2
Exploration of materials by producing a range of tfashion toiles and develop into fashion flats.
A preparation of blocks in order to create the toile.
A toile of shirt in sample size.
Different types of sleeves development, to be applied into final garment.
More sleeves samples constructions.
A block to create a puffed sleeve.
Pattern paper, to show the progress.
Calico fabric cut out, ready to be sewed and put it together.
A produce puffed sleeved in closed angle.
A close shoot of the sleeve, to try how it might look in my final garment.
Week 3
Develop final outcomes in the form of a collection of final fashion illustration, including refined samples in manequins.
In this refined sample I was trying out checked squares, by addind different colors. The formal element that I could relate to my futuristic reserach are the shapes of the fabric and the squares created.
A sheer fabric was incorporated in the centre as well of a cape made of thick fabric. The formal element that this sample could related to for my futuristic research is the asymetric angle in the middle, the form comes from the mood board reserach.
This refined sample, I was trying out a V neck garment incorporated. It links to my initial research as the shape is a geometric form wich is an element of the futuristic mood board.
A colico sample jacket, with high neck inserted fabric, to create an illusion of a blouse.
Half sample of the top of my final garment.
Complete sample of a part of my final garment.
Final Illustration, ideas from the mood board.
More illustration within mood board.
25 Illustrations altogether.
Week started on the 6th January.
The materials that I am considering to use in order to represent the theme in my garment for the Circus Cabaret are: paper, card, metals, plastics and wood.
As a practice and ideas development, I decided to do sample illustrations with non fabric materials.
I use this reserach image from the designer Herve Leger, in order to give me more inspiration for my samples for the given brief.
. The ideas from the reserach links back to my rearch as I am looking at futuristic in fashion which applies geomtry in clopthing and architeture. Also the architetural building, links back to my research, it is the elegant The Al Bahar Towers by Aedas that covered by hexagon with A Number Of Triangles Image.
In these experiment I used foam board, to create the shapes and designs inspired in my illustrations and designs, also used wire to hold both sides.
In order to comple my samples and link to my reserach, I got an image of my previous reserach by the designer Christian Dior and an architeture building. The samples were very sucessfuls as I took elements of the images for example: shape, structure and colours. The shapes are mainly geometries tringles which is linked to both of my reserachs. The structure is similar for the samples and research, which links back to the given brief. I used strong colours to match the mood board so it can link the colour pallete. I decided to use the images because they link to my theme which is futuristic in circus, geometry wihin clothing and architetural buildings.
I used my reserach images clothing an architetural, in order to create my samples. I look at the formal elements that I found visually interesting that are: shapes, texture and colour. the shapes are geometrical and asymetric which is based on my reserach and images. The texture is soft, but at the same time 3D, to make an illusion. The colours are primary and simple.
I decided to use the inages and create the samples because it links with my theme which is futuristic in circus, involving designers that use geometry in their garments and architeture.
In these experiments I mainly used card, foam card cut into small geometric pieces.
This final sample I used all the foam card pieces and put together by using wire and card board. It links into my resrecah as I got the design idea from the mood board, as well as the colour which are formal elements of it.
I expanded my research by taking my pictures of modern buildings in Manchester.
Piccadilly Big Wheel
Oldham County Court
Manchester student Union Building.
Week started on the 13th January:
Week started on the 27th:
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